First step is to simplify the equation so that it makes our life easier! Since 2^2 is equivalent to 4, we can plug that into the equation. Then we can also simplify 2^4 to 16. Now it should look like this:
Now we can solve. 4(2) = 8 so now we have 8/16. 8/16 simplifies to 1/8 when you divide the numerator and the denominator by 8. So there you go! Your final answer is 1/8! I really hope that helped you out, and happy holidays!
Answer: Divide 2 by 6- 0.3 with a bar over the 3, Step-by-step explanation: 0.3 with a bar over the 3 is the decimal form of 2/6
Step-by-step explanation:
I calculated it and got 59049
I have no clue if I even did this right but here’s my work. I don’t wanna get it wrong for you!
From the equation the slope is -1/3 and the y-intercept is -3/2. This shows that the intercept must pass through the y-axis at -3/2.
<h3>Equation of a line</h3>
A line is defined as the shortest distance between two points. The formula for finding the equation of a line in slope-intercept form is given as;
y = mx + b
The point sloe form of the equation is given as y-y1 = m(x-x1)
- m is the slope
- b is the intercept
- (x1, y1) is any point on the line
Given the equation of graph to plot
y=-x/3 -3/2
From the equation the slope is -1/3 and the y-intercept is -3/2. This shows that the intercept must pass through the y-axis at -3/2.
Learn more on equation of a line here: