The answer is radioisotopes as this has the ability of
breaking molecules apart and aside that, it has the ability of destroying cells
and as well as having to damage living tissues in the body because these are
isotopes that are unstable.
Can someone help me please Explanation:
Is this test the I going to have trace the path a red blood cell would follow starting in the right ventricle and back to the right ventricle included will be every structure ( heart chamber, valve, vessels ) that the red blood cell would pass trough???
Vulvodynia is the medical term used to describe a chronic condition of long-lasting, severe pain around the vaginal orifice, which feels raw. Medically, the severe pain lasts for at least three months either constantly or occasionally. The pain could be generalized throughout the entire vulva or localized to a certain area of the vagina like the opening of the vagina.
Vulvodynia is usually doesn't have an identifiable cause, because it usually not traced to an infection.
In case, when an allosteric site undergoes certain modifications it will demonstrate some changes like change in affinity towards the inhibitor, however, how the changes take place is not known exactly because of less knowledge of the FX11 composition. Though it is for sure that the modification will decline the affinity and the FX11 will exhibit less efficacy in preventing the growth of C. parvum.
An inhibitor targets the allosteric site as the size and the functional groups present within the site matches with that of the inhibitor, and thus affinity is attained. However, when there is a change in structure, the affinity will also get influenced.
The gossypol and FX11 can be utilized as drugs for human beings as these substances prevent the process of lactic fermentation, and the pathway for lactic fermentation generally is less common in human cells. The parasite C. parvum is found within the digestive tract, and the process of anaerobic respiration usually does not take place in the organs present in the digestive tract. However, in specific cases, only the muscle tissue can go through anaerobic respiration like in the case of performing physical activity. It is also to be noted that the drug can even invade other tissues via blood, therefore, at the time of consuming drugs, there is a need to instruct the patients to prevent any kind of physical activity.
Her condition is referred to as endometriosis. The endometriosis is a repeatedly sore condition in which soft tissue that usually lines in the inner part of the uterus which is the endometrium develops at the outer part of the uterus and most usually includes the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the soft tissue in inside layer of the pelvis.