You don't really see what type of dangerous situation but since you asked a dangerous situation you could do is a stunt motorcycle guy that rides his motorcycle over a pool of sharks. Or a man who wears red in a Bulls arena to get the balls attention but he risk dying if he gets punctured by one of the bulls horns. Or another dangerous situation could be someone entering a monster cave. Or another dangerous situation could be someone meeting up with a Stranger online. There's just so many situations
You're aorta pumps blood from your left ventricle into your body.
Immediately after a man dies, Wife weeping, moaning, and calling out his name is most likely to be a cultural manifestations of the survivors grief response.
<h3>What is grief?</h3>
Grief is the emotional reaction to loss, particularly the death of someone or something living with whom one has built a link or affection. Grief comprises physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, spiritual, and philosophical elements, in addition to the emotional response to loss. While the phrases are frequently used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of being bereaved, whereas sorrow is the emotion to that mourning.
Most people are familiar with the grief associated with death, but people grieve for a variety of losses throughout their life, such as unemployment, illness, or the termination of a relationship.
To learn more about grief visit:
B is an impulsive child-like part of the psyche that only takes into account what it wants and operates on the pleasure principle.
ID "id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains s xual and aggressive drives and hidden memories" - Simply Psychology
won't let me type the word lol