The heart itself needs blood and nutrients to work properly and gets its share of blood supply from coronary arteries. Coronary heart diseases are linked to coronary arteries. The diseases of coronary arteries are very dangerous; coronary artery diseases like atherosclerosis may cause heart attack.
First level
The physical activity pyramid is a visual representation demonstrating how to increase physical activity until it becomes a part of daily routine.
Lifestyle activities are the first step of the physical activity pyramid.
Lifestyle activities are moderate physical activities that are performed daily. The examples for moderate physical activities are housework, yardwork, non-vigorous sports, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Because if they have sexual intercourse with a condom the egg inside you won’t get fertilized and become your period if they have sexual inter course without a condom the egg will be put together with the spent and fertilize the egg and become a baby
Learning to evaluate advertisements is a critical part of self-management.