- 1 = pentagon
- 2 = diamond
- 3 = square
- 5 = circle
- 6 = rectangle
- 7 = oval
- 8 = triangle
- 9 = hexagon
- 10 = trapezoid
Step-by-step explanation:
Each half of a hanger divides the total weight in half. The right-most vertical has a total weight of 80/16 = 5. It consists of a square and a diamond, and we know the square is 1 more than the diamond. That means 2 diamonds weigh 5 -1 = 4. A diamond weighs 2, and a square weighs 3. The other half of that balance is a circle, which weighs 5.
The total of a square and oval is 10, so the oval is 10 -3 = 7. The two trapezoids weigh 20, so each is 10.
The second vertical from the left is a circle and diamond which will weigh 5+2 = 7. That makes the sum of a pentagon and rectangle also be 7. The 7+7 = 14 below the square on the left branch makes the total of that branch be 14+3 = 17, which is also the sum of the triangle and hexagon.
The weight below the rectangle at top left is 17+17 = 34, and the weight of that entire branch is 40. Thus the rectangle is 40-34 = 6, which makes the pentagon 7-6 = 1.
We require the sum of the triangle and hexagon be 17, with the triangle being the smaller value, and both being 9 or less (the trapezoid is the only figure weighing more than 9). Hence the triangle is 8 and the hexagon is 9.
The weights are summarized in the answer section, above.
1.32047132, 0.82496696
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
- in order to know if the the point is on the line plug in the x coordinate to check if it gives you the y coordinate as an output.
- If you plug in the x coordinate and it gives you the given y coordinate then the point is on the given line
- Now let us plug in the value of x=-3

- now if you check plugging in the given x coordinate it does not give you the given y coordinate but -2
- therefore the point(-3,7) is not in the line but (-3,-2) is the point in the line.
Step-by-step explanation:
She would have baby sat for 4 hours and 15 minutes.
the 15 minutes comes in when we have the .25 because 1/4 of an hour is 15 minutes.
we can check this if we do 38.25 divided by 4.25 and we get 9.