We need to increase the number we have German D I mean GDP we have the US doesn't increase are we increasing yes we are so what's the treaty so what's my company tell me the company is right in front of us so we're looking around to see the increase
If you lie to someone your in a relationship with and they find out about it how they going to know that your not still lying continuously, they will loose trust especially if this happens numerous times.
I tried to get as much information of the 7, so that something could click in your brain a help you. Is this good enough?? I had to many characters so I did screenshots
These are their symbols:
Water, holy oils, white garment, Easter candle, white candle for newly baptized
Bread & wine
Chrism for anointing, Fire, & Holy Spirit
<u>Anointing of the sick.</u>
Oil of the Sick for anointing
Wedding rings
<u>Holy orders.</u>
Chrism for anointing; vestments for newly ordained
Baptism is the first step to salvation and the basis for all other sacraments; without it, the others cannot take place. It initiates you into the faith, making you an official member of the Catholic Church. The Sacrament of Baptism has five effects:
- It removes the stain of Original and personal sin.
- It absolves us of the corporeal and eternal punishment that resulted from that sin.
- It infuses us with the life of God, called sanctifying grace. We become a part of Christ.
- Through it, we become part of the Church representing the Mystical Body of Christ.
- It allows you to participate in other Sacraments and to increase your grace.
Holy Orders allows a man to continue the work of Jesus Christ and His Apostles by passing His authority to those who are worthy. Those receiving this sacrament are able to administer sacraments to others, though a bishop is the only member who can perform the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Three levels of ordination exist: deacons, priests, and bishops.
- Priests receive the ability to act in the Person of Christ and hold Mass.
- Bishops are given the strength to lead a Congregation and die as Christ did.
- Deacons receive the ability to preach.
Problem recognition
Problem recognition is related to the decision making to differentiate between the desired state and the actual state of the objects. It will activate the decision-making process. Motivation plays a vital role in the recognition of the problem. It play with two factors such as:
- What is the importance of the problem ?
- What is the magnitude of the discrepancy between the actual state and the desired state?
There would be a situation exist that clarifies the recognition of the problem but there many vague definitions that confused.
Thus in the above statement, Jeff used the problem recognition strategy through which Jeff recognize the problem.
It is not a specific party that might spend more, but more of which person is running.
<u>For example: </u>If there was a candidate that was extremely wealthy and was running as a democrate, then they would invest more money in there campaign then the other party if the other party isn't as wealthy.
<u>In other words:</u> There is not one specific party that spends more money.