In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, which included a secret protocol that relegated Finland to the Soviet sphere of interests. Faced with Finland's refusal to allow the Soviet Union to establish military bases in its territory, the latter revoked the 1932 non-aggression pact and attacked Finland on 30 November 1939. The “Winter War” ended with a treaty of peace signed in Moscow on March 13, 1940, which established the annexation of southwestern Finland by the Soviet Union.
When a plant has been without water for a long time, the central vacuoles lose water, the cells lose shape, and the whole leaf wilts. Plants often store sugars, ions, some proteins and occasionally pigments inside the vacuole.
radio wave
Radio wave have photons with the lowest engeries. microwave have little more energy than radio wave .
se comprende la identidad de un pueblo.
La cultura de una civilización se entiende como el conjunto de tradiciones, creencias y costumbres que caracterizan a un pueblo, es decir, lo identifica. La producción artística refleja entonces la cultura, porque el arte es una herramienta de representación, expresión, comunicación, que se refleja principalmente en lo que el hombre vive, piensa y es. La manifestación artística marca un determinado período de tiempo porque representa una época, diferentes tradiciones y por ende cultura, a través de las artes y sus diferentes lenguajes como la música, la pintura, la danza, la artesanía, etc.
The Columbian exchanged fostered massive changes in both the Americas and Europe.
For the Americas, the first, and most radical change was the decimation of the Native American population, due to the spread of diseases of Eurasian origin, such as measles and syphillis, for which the Native Americans did not have any defenses. According to some historians, the spread of this diseases killed up to 95% of the pre-columbian Native American population.
The second change is related to the first, and was the immigration of many Europeans to the Americas: Spaniards to Spanish Latin America, Portuguese to Portuguese Latin America, and so on.
A third change came from the introduction of Eurasian goods: from horses, to cows, to apples, to rice and wheat. This changed the lifestyle and diet of even Native Americans. For example, Native Americans in the United States adapted to the use of horses, which became a crucial part of their culture.