Persia's standing army was an important factor in Persia's rapid growth because of the elite soldiers within the standing army. They were known as the "Immortals" and tasked to maintain order from within and the outside.
Recycling and Composting are two great things to do to help keep earth a very clean environment if more people do this and are actually aware of the outcome that impacts Earth is that it help keeps it clean and also decreases pollution and most Gas industries will be put out because of this which is a very good thing because these gases that are created by Green houses go up in to the atmosphere and destroy our layers outside Earth. Individuals can take this learning and put it into use and for the future human beings to come(children) can have a safe and beautiful life style and most animals would also be alive and thriving with this a lot can change if more and more people begin to recycle and composting.
Kant believed in something he called the <em>categorical imperative. </em>A categorical imperative is a particular moral position that holds in all possible situations - an unshakable moral law, in other words. For imperatives like "do not kill," this seems reasonable, but for others, such as "do not lie," it gets a little hairier.
Imagine a scenario where a murderer comes to your door and asks if you've see your friend around. Moments before, your friend came to you telling you about the murderer, asking if they could hide at your house. Kant would say you're obligated not to lie, so your options are to either shut the door on the murderer (not a great idea) or give away your friend's hiding place (an even worse idea). You can see how a little white lie wouldn't hurt, and would in fact <em>prevent harm from happening</em>. If you were a sworn Kantian, it might play out badly for everyone involved.
To answer your question in light of that, Kantian ethics hold that certain moral standards are universal and impose a duty on <em>all </em>humans. Do not lie. Period.
Assault on a police officer is automatic jail if convicted
True: living in urban environments can influence an individual's behavior.