Multiply the price by 1 + the markup percentage:
249.50 x 1.30 = $324.35
The slope/y-int form would be y=9/2x+2 you have to move the x value and whole number(y-int) to the other side which would make them negative and then divide by the -2 and there you go.
That's not a linear system, but you have an awesome school system for giving you this problem.

Multiply by 6xy to clear the fractions.

That's a second degree equation, also known as a conic. That one happens to be a hyperbola.

Let's clear the fractions from the second equation, multiplying out common denominator xy:

We are being asked to find the meet of two hyperbolas, so we expect two answers, a quadratic equation.

We have to rule out x=0 because it's in the denominator.

Answer: (44/19, 33/20)
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