Mesopotamia was an ancient region between two rivers. The land near the rivers was fertile and the general land was not so fertile so they invented the irrigation system. This region is today's Iraq.
They were the first civilisation and the first to live in cities and have a government. Babylon was the capital of Mesopotamia. They discovered the first written language, culture and agriculture. Mesopotamia's major cities were Baghdad, Babylon, and Nippur.
Walking. Prehistoric humans came over on a land bridge between Russia and Alaska and worked their way down into south America.
The answer is Tribute shea’
We still use soil and water. But we not have machine harvesters
During World War II, as an alternative to rationing, Americans planted “victory gardens,” in which they grew their own food. Families were issued ration stamps that were used to buy their allotment of everything from meat, sugar, fat, butter, vegetables and fruit to gas, tires, clothing and fuel oil.