I think A. John doesn’t like lemonade, but he likes Sandra’s lemonade
After defeating Grendel, King Hothgar celebrates with a feast and beowulf falls asleep. But then, Grendel's mother comes to attack for revenge, which brings sorrow to King Hrothgar. Hrothgar is also sad that the battle isn't over and that more of his men might die, including Beowulf who is the only one that can save them.
The main idea is most tests on the people lead the crowd to follow each other.
- Dr. Gregory wants to know why people follow what others do and want to experiment. In the first experiment he rotated 3D objects to see if they were the same or different.
- The group wrote their answers but Tony followed them. Tony agreed with both the correct and wrong answers. In the second experiment, they were checked how they behaved in a restaurant.
- One person ate strangely. Dr. Gregory found that people who followed others had their visions interupted the brain did not concentrate in the thinking part.
political unrest and economic instability of the 1920s and the 1970s
provided an opportunity for extreme political parties to blame
more-moderate political parties or the ruling government for either not
doing enough to solve the country’s issues or for causing the problems
in the first place. In both 1920s Germany and 1970s Cambodia, these
circumstances allowed these authoritarian groups, the Nazis and the
Khmer Rouge, to climb to power.</span>