work out if it's either going to sink or float
this can be carried out by calculating the numbers
Plant is a thing so it has matter
Cheese is food so it has matter
Blood is a liquid so it has matter
Carbon dioxide can’t exist in three states; Gas, Liquid & Solid. At normal temperatures and pressures, CO2 is colorless with a slightly pungent odor at high concentrations. If compressed and cooled to proper temperature the gas liquifies. Solid CO2, (dry ice) sublimates back to the natural gaseous state.
C. A linear, nonpolar molecule
Molecules which are alike usually have the same degree of pull which results in them sharing electrons. This sharing of electrons is known as the molecules exhibiting Covalent bonding between them.
The equal pull also results in the cancelling out of electrons and favoring non polar bonds due to the absence of free electrons which would have been able to interact with H2O in a polar binding system.