Adam Smith is considered the founder of modern economics. He stated that the economic is guided by an invisible hand and that governments should interfere less in some areas of the economic to make it more efficient. He specified that government intervention could be best used in these areas.
1) The creation of social security regulations and also provide national defense to protect the society and all citizens from all the violence and invasions or attack forces from other societies. These of course, is what every society from every country would like to have.
2) The government should establish an exact administration of justice in the context of order and law. These refers to have a court system to apply the right justice for all citizens of a society in an equal manner.
Answer is false, because Rawls- Paradigmatic Shift: A Theory of Justice <span>
Rawls' goal: to replace intuitionism with a theory of
rational choice
Reject utilitarianism, which would leave individual rights
vulnerable and thus be irrational
Rawls' substantive theory: a well-ordered society is governed
by two principles
1. The equal liberty principle
2. The difference principle: social goods are to be
distributed equally unless some earn
Rawls' methodological contribution: Political theory can
validate universal norms.
His two principles are the rational choice of everyone who
accepts certain compelling assumptions in an Original Position like
• Humans seek autonomy
• Everyone is shrouded in a "veil of ignorance"
<span>• Everyone adopts a "maximin" conception of