I think no because college-age users brain is brittle
A balanced diet, one that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is necessary to slow down digestion. Each plays a different role when it comes to metabolism and energy use. Fats are necessary for the long runs as they are your primary fuel source when carbs run out , carbs are necessary for the medium length runs when your phosphocreatine runs out. Proteins are necessary for recovery. An Adequate ingestion of all the macros post workout, permits recovery for next day training. When it comes to digestion, a mixed meal including all macros slows down digestion and allows the absorption of all nutrients.
An allergist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases. The allergist is specially trained to identify the factors that trigger asthma or allergies. Allergists help people treat or prevent their allergy problems.
source: When To See Allergist - American College of Allergy, Asthma, and ...
You can tell by Crying... If the baby is in very serious pain she / he will scream and not stop until releive if the baby is in very little to no she/he will just make very fant sounds and you kind of can sens when a baby is in pain ...