declared that separate educational facilities were unlawful
The Brown v. Board of Education was established in 1954 and created an opposition to the Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 who affirmed the legality of racial segregation in public places such as buses, schools, squares, hospitals and other places. This opposition was established because at the end of the Brown v. The Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that educational institutions that established systems of racial segregation would be acting illegally and that from that moment on they should promote full equal education to all students, regardless of their colors or races.
The correct answer to the following question will be "National supremacy".
- A term used only to characterize the United States Constitution's power over laws put in place by nations that might be at variance with either the ideals maintained by the fathers of the republic once they established the transitional government, is National supremacy.
- Article VI of that same Constitution provides for American sovereignty, which ensures that state statutes could not prevail over or refute Congressional legislation or US Supreme court decisions.
Therefore, National supremacy is the right answer.
First Amendment and Religion. The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion
No matter what excuse someone may have, or even if the su!cide victim gave the person permission and even confirmed via video-tape or recording, it is still, technically, murder since you were involved in the happening.