Weight of debt = 0.2453 or 24.53%
Weight of preferred stock = 0.0486 or 4.86%
Weight of common equity = 0.7061 or 70.61%
The WACC or weighted average cost of capital is the cost of a firm's capital structure. The capital structure of a company can consist of one or more of the following components namely debt, preferred stock and common stock.
To calculate the WACC, we use the market value of each component.
- The market value of debt is$101 million.
- The market value of common equity is 290.7 million
- The value of preferred stock is $20 million
Market value of common equity = 51 * 5.7 = 290.7 million
The weights to assigned to each components are,
Total weight of all components = 101 + 20 + 290.7 = 411.7 million
Weight of debt = 101 / 411.7 => 0.2453 or 24.53%
Weight of preferred stock = 20 / 411.7 => 0.0486 or 4.86%
Weight of common equity = 290.7 / 411.7 => 0.7061 or 70.61%
Menu cost, shoe leather cost, losing money and wealth redistribution from creditors to debtors through inflation.
Most people cut down their spending when they are not making enough money or when there is continuous increase in price, during this period people are mindful of what they spend money on, this will lead to lowered economic growth over a long period of time.
The most important will be the effect of money losing it's value, the fact that money loses its purchasing power which will lead to decrease in demand for goods and services as well as lack of savings will increase the bottleneck on welfare services as people will rely more on them, this will hurt US the most.