President Ronald Reagan rejected the theory of Keynesian economics, this theory proposed by John Maynard Keynes, embodied in his work General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936 in response to the Great Depression of 1929, the central principle of this school of thought is that state intervention can stabilize the economy, Keynesianism is one of the best-known economic theories, its main characteristic is that it supports interventionism as the best way out of a crisis and as a mechanism to stimulate demand and regulate the economy in times of depression.
a, it's just like the cost of gas .
. when there's a inflation with the cost of gas people need to ride bikes to work. when there's a inflation with money the prices well also rise.
The purpose of the Creed speaking leadership development event is to develop the public speaking abilities of 7th, 8th and 9th grade FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in the FFA degree program.
OPERATIONALIZATION refers to the process where by specific variable are defined and measured based on their function in a study/experiment.
However, to operationalize a variable in a study, a paradigm (theoretical framework) is used by researcher to create a concept through the process of conceptualization.
Definitions are made to back up the study, in other to remove any error or any doubt of the readers during accessing the study.
Thus, based on Jim's study. He defined the frequency and the intensity of the mood swings (as the two variables) for better understanding by the individuals.