The development of the knowledge of the priests as one who was uniquely empowered and ordained by God to offer sacrifices for the people on the analogy of the Old testament priesthood increasingly tended to demoted the role of laity in Christian worship and ministry. These tendencies were strengthened by the development of the doctrine of transubstantiation beginning in the ninth century and concluding in its official promulgation at the fourth Lateran council in 1215. The fourth Lateran council promoted the doctrine of transubstantiation which raised to that moment in the alteration of substance by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the course of the mass become in reality the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

The culture of India or Indian culture, sometimes equated to Indian civilization, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with the Indian subcontinent. The term also applies beyond India to countries and cultures whose histories are strongly connected to India by immigration, colonization, or influence, particularly in Southeast Asia. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs differ from place to place within the country.
Indian culture, often labelled as an amalgamation of several cultures, has been influenced by a history that is several millennia old, beginning with the Indus Valley Civilization.Many elements of Indian culture, such as Indian religions, mathematics, philosophy, cuisine, languages, dance, music and movies have had a profound impact across the Indosphere, Greater India and the world.
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Bhubaneswar is known for sun temple
The correct answer that best describes the rule of law is option B. The process of setting precedent through the different levels of the courts.
Because the rule of law tells us that all activities carried out must be guaranteed by law.
B. Jane is experiencing numbing of emotional response, which is a common symptom of PTSD
Jane is suffering from PTSD, and one of the manifestation of the disorder is a general emotional numbness that is caused by the traumatic event itself.
Jena is trying to process all of the negative emotions that were caused by the traumatic event, but she is not being able too. Instead, she has become numb as a defense mechanism, being unable to experience negative emotions, but being unable to experience positive emotions as well.