This classmate will show they are more open and subject to pressure and they will be lead on to do more and more by the people that see them as a “party animal” and they then will be with this group that peer pressure them into doing more and more dangerous things and if we’re talking about a real scenario they can get sick
Bipolar disorder and depression are Mood Disorders.
This means that they are both mental health conditions that affect your mood in a chronic way, it is more than just being sad or happy. Depression is chronic (meaning long lasting), persistent, debilitating sadness/misery/despair. It creates extreme low mood. Bipolar disorder is a mixture of depression and mania. Depression would be the low mood and mania would be the exact opposite which is extreme high mood and happiness which leads to irrational and sometimes destructive behavior.
Not If it Makes you happy and not harm yourself otherwise your good :)