When using the indirect method to prepare the operating section of a statement of cash flows , the gain on sale of land will be deducted from the net income as it has already been included in the net income as the gain on the sales of the land , which was a non cash recognition in the course of the business.
Decrease in receivable means that there was an inflow of cash as some receivables had paid their debts , thus it is added.
The amortization is a non cash expenses that had been deducted which will need to be added back to the net income for the purpose of cash flow.
Convenience sampling is used, because the population is taken from a sample that easy to reach
Diversity in the workplace is a deliberate attempt to incorporate a wide range of different workers. It is an appreciation that each person or group of people is unique and has diverse characteristics. Workplace diversity results in the organization being accommodative to diverse cultures and different identities.
Workplace diversity embraces race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnic groups, religion, sexual orientation, and physical conditions. It also includes other unique differences between people.
B. To weigh the various alternatives and choose a course of action
The major steps involved in a proper decision-making process include; Identifying the problem, understanding the problem by obtaining the necessary information, developing alternatives, choosing the best alternative that would address the ethical issue at hand, and implementing the best alternative.
The aim of the entire process of decision-making would be faulted if at the end, a course of action is not taken. The decision made at the end of the day, should address the initial concern raised. This decision would also need to be reviewed to ensure that it is the right step.
Determining ways to maximize profit for the company may not be the issue at hand, as several factors could inform the decision making process.