The regime type of the government is indicator on whether the nation is in danger of genocide or not, an anocratic, or a transitional government, is the government that is in the most danger while a full monarchy, in the most stable.
A state is more likely to experience genocide or mass atrocity if they have a history of identity-related tensions, otherwise known as a tendency of othering,
States with low levels of economy development are more likely to have problems because it creates low opportunity cost for mass violence, as the citizen’s lives aren't valued as much as in an economy that has high levels.
Social fragmentation can by five major sub categories; identity-based social divisions, demographic pressures, unequal access to basic goods and services, gender inequalities, and political instability.
correct answer is Wobblies
Wobblies is the member of (IWW) Industrial Workers of the World
this is international labor union that was form in United States in 1905
and by the some factor membership of IWW declined dramatical in 1910s and in 1920 due to conflicts with other labor group like American Federation of Labor
and there convention was held of approx 200 socialist and anarchist and Marxist radical trade unionist in United States
and that convention was take place on 24th June
so correct answer is Wobblies
The correct answer would be, Brandon's example illustrates Narcissism.
Narcissism basically defines a person who is Self Centered, in a greater need of admiration, self loved, self admiration, self absorption, self obsession and pride. A narcissist thinks himself to be the best among all, he thinks himself like a person, to whom everyone is dying to talk and to have friendship with. He is generally an arrogant person who has a pride in himself of being so attractive and good looking that people will fall for him at once. Narcissists have lack of empathy and are very demanding. So just like in this case, Brandon thinks that he is the great guy and is smart and good looking that every girl will fall for him and would consider herself lucky being her girlfriend. His such type of behavior is the example of Narcissist behavior.
It wont move because there is no dominant force: it is neutral.
Let's say I have a 10 and another 10 one side pushing against each other. They aren't going to move but let's say one of the ten's becomes an 11 then the 11 will start winning and pushing against the 10.