An app or software created to optimize your daily task performance
In other words, the CSS rules can "cascade" in their order of precedence. Where the rules are located is one factor in the order of precedence. The location order of precedence is: browser default rules, external style sheet rules, embedded styles, and inline style rules.
Component(CompID, CompName, Description) PK=CompID
Product(ProdID, ProdName, QtyOnHand) PK=ProdID
Supplier(SuppID, SuppName) PK = SuppID
CompSupp(CompID, SuppID) PK = CompID, SuppID
Build(CompID, ProdID, QtyOfComp) PK= CompID, ProdID
details of the answer is attached
The following are the program in the Python Programming Language.
#get input from the user
val = input("Enter the value: ")
#split the input values
#declare and initialize two variables to 0
total, l = 0,0
#set for loop
for n in x:
#coverting into string
n = int(n)
#perform addition
total= total + n
#check that is l is none or n is greater than l
if(l is None or n > l):
#initialize the value of n in l
l = n
#print the following output
print("Average and maximum value are:", total // len(x), l)
Enter the value: 10 20 0 5
Average and maximum value are: 8 20
<u>Following are the description of the program</u>.
- Firstly, declare a variable 'val' in which we get string type input from the user.
- Again declare two variables and assigned them to 0.
- Then set the for loop statement, in which we convert the string variable into the integer and perform addition with those converted values. Set the if conditional statement to check that if the variable 'l' is none or 'n' is greater than 'l
' then, assigned the value of the variable 'n' in the variable 'l'.
- Finally, print the following result with message.
<span>An analog signal is a continuous wave that changes over a time period.
</span><span>A digital signal is a discrete wave that carries information in binary form.</span>