To happy the way you are no matter who you are what gender you are (its hard for people to be their selves these days) be happy that you are living in the world where people could love you for who you are like your family your friends. Just remember you have all the love and support for you. Be yourself dont conceal anything anymore let it all go show the world who you really are, show the world that you aren't afraid anymore, leave all the past behind you and focus on the future. You'll be on the perfect path if you just follow your heart. follow you heart cause it knows the way to a perfect path of your life. always be yourself no matter what
Ive always wanted to say this quote :)
- Name of author or authors.
- Year of publication.
- The title of the article.
- The title of the article.
- Volume.
- Issue.
- Page or pages.
- DOI.
Although there are not options available for this question, the correct format to present a reference of a journal article aimed to be part of a research paper is the following in order of presentation:
- Name of author or authors. The surname or last name should be the only name included, followed by the initials of the first name (s).
- Year of publication. <em>For example, Jones N. (2010).</em>
- The title of the article.
- The title of the article - should always be in italics.
- Volume.
- Issue.
- Page or pages.
- DOI.
This information is extremely important in order for your research paper to be backed-up by evidence and facts.
Sneak your way on the bus
Explanation: The talk test is a simply way to measure relative intensity. In general, If you're doing moderate- intensity activity, you can talk but not sing during the activity.