Deirdre believes that five pennies have more value than two nickels
Conservation psychologically is simply said to be the way an individual thinks logically that enables that individual get to know that a certain quantity tat is left over the same despite little change of the container, shape e.t.c.
Conservation is knowing really that at times, things can be in the same in quantity even though there is a slight or large change in the appearance of that thing. .
In united States, the right to bear fire arms is protected under the 2nd amendment of the constitution.
The only situation where a person can legally be thrown out from a certain social setting is if that person is directly disrupt the activity in that group with the weapon.
From the passage above, the student who held the concealed weapon does not seems to actively do something that disrupt others. This make the class does not have any legal / solid ground to kept that student out.
Reactive devaluation
From the scenario described. It can be observed that the students gave the idea a lower rating because it was coming from the opposing side. Hence, this is am an example of REACTIVE DEVALUATION.
This is because Reactive Devaluation is a term that describes a form of mental bias from one party towards another. This arises when a plan is devalued by party A because the plan comes from party B who is perceived as the opponent.
Hence, in this case, the students' reaction is an example of Reaction Devaluation