Ralph's attitude is best described as an example of "prejudice".
Prejudice is a full of feeling towards a man or gathering part construct exclusively in light of that individual's gathering participation. The word is frequently used to allude to biased, generally negative, sentiments towards individuals or a man as a result of their sex, sex, convictions, values, social class, age, incapacity, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, dialect, nationality, magnificence, occupation, training, guiltiness, don group connection or other individual qualities.
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The answer is assimilation.
According to Piaget, assimilation is a process in which we aquire new information and incorporate it to our existing knowledge. This often occurs by interpreting new experiences according to our previous ideas. In the example, Alex assimilates a flying squirrel as a bird <u>because of his preexisting knowledge of birds</u> (e.g. they fly).
It's possible to change one's knowledge through a process called accodomation, something Alex will likely do in the future: he will learn that birds have feathers and beaks, and that some squirrels can glide in the air.
Clouds are created when water vapor, an invisible gas, turns into liquid water droplets. These water droplets form on tiny particles, like dust, that are floating in the air. ... These energetic molecules then escape from the liquid water in the form of gas.