As the number of pieces in a whole gets larger, the size of the pieces gets smaller. This is represented by the denominator in a fraction. As the denominator increases, the number of pieces the whole is divided into also increases so the size of the pieces is smaller.
1/2 > 1/3 > 1/4 > 1/5 etc...
Fractions get smaller as the denominator gets bigger.
12 cooking books
Step-by-step explanation:
Alright, let's look at each individual bank. For each bank, only up to 100k is insured.
Bank J = 150,000+80,000 -> 230,000 but only 100,000 is insured.
Bank K = 95,000 -> 95,000 insured.
Bank L = 200,000 -> 100,000 insured.
Adding those together...
100,000 + 95,000 + 100,000 = 295,000
So, A is the correct answer.
however any
divided by 2 is in
But it is not so simple.
is odd then
is even but when even number is divided by 2, you get an odd number which is in
However if
is even then
is odd and when we divide that by 2, you get a number like for example
which is not in
but rather inside
. There are fortunately no irrational numbers.
There is also a problem with zero, zero is neither odd nor even but still an integer. If your
happens to be -1,
, and zero divided by 2 is still just 0 which is in
So to sum up,
is odd and not -1, then
Or to put it in math
is even or -1, then
Or to put it in math
is a set of integers.
is a set of rational numbers.
means integers are a subset of rational numbers, that is, every integer is a also a fraction, however not every fraction is an integer.
Hope this helps :)