c. it makes prices rise
Inflation describes a situation where there is a general increase in prices in the country. Inflation is directly linked to economic growth. A high growth rate results in high inflation.
Inflation causes prices to rise, reducing the purchasing power of money. A reduction in purchasing power means a unit of money will buy fewer items than it did previously. The government puts in measures to counter inflation to stabilize prices and prevent erosion of purchasing power.
Low inflation indicates slow economic growth, low employment, and a reduction in prices.
A. For knowing today's value of the bequest we need to know the period of time.
When the first payment occure and how many payments were made.
b. Immediate value of bequest is $3,000 After one year it needto be 1.16*3,000=$3,480 Plus the second payment will be 1.04*3,000=$3,120
Detailed solution is given below in tabular form:
Please refer the reason in detail below
For state and local government entities, additional standards are promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board ("GASB") and for the federal government, additional standards are promulgated by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board ("FASAB").
GASB considers budgetary comparisons as an important part of the basic financial statements and financial reporting and therefore include budgetary comparisons in their concept statements