20 meters walk south is the <u>short leg</u>. The long leg is 30 meters walk east. Distance from 30 meters east to starting point is a hypotenuse.
Higher temperature increases the speed of solubility
"Solubility" refers to the ability of a solute to be dissolved in a solvent. Solubility and temperature are <em>directly proportional</em>. This means that <em>as the temperature increases, the solubility of a substance increases too</em>. In the same manner, <em>as the temperature decreases, the solubility of a substance decreases too.</em>
High temperature produces<u> high heat (increase kinetic energy) that triggers the solvent to break the solutes apart.</u> This is mostly true for many solid-state solutions.
Green house gases and pollution
Sí. Hace frío durante la noche y hace calor durante el día
Les systèmes fluviaux et les plaines inondables du Brésil, du Pérou, de l'Équateur, de la Colombie et du Venezuela, dont les eaux se déversent dans la Solimões et ses affluents, sont appelés "la haute Amazonie