Fruit flies produce offspring relatively fast and have specific traits, such as eye color and body color/shape. They are easy to observe and their traits are easily traced throughout the next generations.
The correct answer is option glucose.
The glucose can be used as the immediate source of the energy. The cells can utilize the glucose to form the ATP molecules, which can be used as a source of energy by the body of the organism. The cellulose, chitin, and the glycogen are the polymers, they can only be utilized, once they are broken down into simpler forms.
Compare and contrast a frameshift mutation and a single nucleotide substitution mutation in a DNA sequence encoding a protein. How many nucleotides would be inserted or deleted in each? How many amino acids in the protein sequence would be altered in each?
The heart of a lazy person pumps blood less efficiently than an athlete who has trained and prepared to achieve a high performance, this can be understood with the example of football players who will play in other countries that have a higher altitude than the country of origin and has to go before to get used to the rarer air
Scientists use a shared system for reporting measurements called the International System of Units (SI). We use common measurement systems because science involves a lot of replication (i.e., repetition) to confirm results.