1. Biodiversity
Pond ecosystems are vital for fish, birds, plants, crustaceans, and insects like dragonflies, damsel flies, and pond skaters.
2. Community property
Pond ecosystems exist on every continent. That makes them vital to life on Earth.
3. Plenty
Pond habitats abound. They are abundant and virtually everywhere. That makes them a vital habitat for many animals.
4. Hydration source
Even if they do not reside in pond habitats, many animals visit them for a drink. A watering hole in the desert or prairie. These ecosystems may also provide water to humans.
5. Grace
Pond habitats are very lovely. Watching the sun bounce off a pond's surface may inspire, relax, and connect us to nature.
Answer: 1 after a long delay; at last; eventually. 2 at the end or final point; lastly. 3 completely; conclusively; irrevocably.
The editorial to which this question refers is "Yes, Virginia! There is a Santa Claus; timeless message"
The central idea of the text is the ability to elaborate an answer to a child's question that is true, but does not compromise the child's innocence.
The editorial shows how a man was able to associate the existence of the Santa Claus, with the existence of feelings and inanimate things that exist in a subjective way in our life, but not in a concrete way. This answer was given to a child who wanted to know if Santa was real.
In this way they can confirm that the central idea of the text is the ability to answer children's questions in an appropriate way, without lies, but with delicacy.
I'd say that the theme of this story encourages us that anyone can be important. Not just lawmakers or rich people or even extroverts, but anyone, whether you're a shy artist or an outgoing sporty-type. Some variation on that is probably what you're looking for, I shouldn't do your work for you! :)
Here is a story that ends with "therefore, whoever wants to sit under a tree tomorrow should plant one today"
I must confess to you, I like to enjoy life. I like to have the latest clothes, gadgets and toys. I always splurged a lot and never saved. I reckoned I would begin to save when I was older.
But as I grew older, my gluttony seemed to just get worse. I earned five hundred thousand dollars per annum yet I always seemed to be in debt and I had no savings all thanks to my extremely lavish lifestyle.
In the blink of an eye, I was already old and I had to retire. I retired penniless and in great debt. I could not afford my house so I ended up in a homeless shelter.
If only, I had managed my finances better when I was younger, I would not be living in penury now. Therefore, whoever wants to sit under a tree tomorrow should plant one today".
A story is an account of an event. The event can be real or imaginary
Types of stories include:
- Drama
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Science-fiction
- Horror stories
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