An embedded system is a part of a larger system which has either one or a limited number of dedicated functions.
It doesn't require much power to run and is cheap to make and design.
Examples include: cars, microwaves, traffic lights, washing machines, phones etc
The buttons depend on what version of MS
Office he is using. Assuming Eric is using Powerpoint 2013, he must press the following:
1st Slide: Insert > New Slide >
Title Only
2nd Slide: Insert > New Slide > Comparison > Click on "Pictures" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert > Delete text box saying "Click to add title" > Insert another picture using same procedures above > Add captions
3rd slide: Insert > New Slide > Two
Content > <span>Click on "Picture" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert 3 more pictures > Click textbox "Click to add title" </span>
Find and replace header and footer
<u>Authorization</u> component defines the correct granularity for access controls and oversees the relationships between identities, access control rights, and IT resource availability.
Access control is a security technique that verifies the permission that a person or device has to enter an area and to what extent. This function is within the identity and access management of a company. Authorization is the definition of what a specific user can do within an application, that is, to what information and operations they have access, in other words, it refers to the management of access to protected resources and the process of determining whether a user is authorized to access a particular resource. Authorization and access control are ways of enforcing access policies. Authorized persons may access certain resources for their job functions and identify and audit the accesses made.