The sentences given in scrambled order of words, when put back into their actual correct forms, become as below:
Curly wears a 'glove full of vaseline' because he's 'keeping his hand soft for his wife' according to Candy the swamper. He tells George about it when they arrive at the ranch and he says it with disgust.
- The compact narration given above has been taken from a book named 'Of Mice And Men' written by John Steinback.
- Curly is a little man who has been blessed with a lovely and attractive wife.
- He likes to do everything to keep her happy so that she doesn't think of luring other men with her attractiveness.
Wait do u go to jhs 194 cause I recognize ur name lol and I also got this question on my social studies post assessmen.
Answer: i say (A) is the answer because Relative Chronology: A chronology that determines the age of a feature or event relative to the age of other features or events (for example, younger than or older than).
The Supreme Court can disallow a law on the grounds that it was unconstitutional thus establishing the of judicial review and the authority of Supreme Court as the watchdog of the constitution.
The coercive act aka the intolerable act