The answer is water table. Water table is the boundary
between vandose zone and the zone of saturation. The unsaturated is the vandose
while the saturated is the groundwater zone. Water table is located in the top
of an unconfined aquifer, that can tell the level below which soil and rock are
saturated with water and the top of the zone that is saturation.
A. Atmosphere
Atmosphere would be most immediately affected by a decrease in sunlight because sunlight is responsible for the photosynthesis in plants. if sunlight decreases, the photosynthesis reaction is also decreases in plants and less carbondioxide gas is used by the plant from atmosphere for making their food so we can say that atmosphere is greatly affected by the decrease in sunlight.
The products are glucose and oxygen
Oxygen is released from leaves as a gas
The equation is
6carbon dioxide+6water____6water+6oxygen
I hope that helped!!!!!!!!!!
Catabolic reactions are exergonic.
Exothermic reactions are catabolic, that is, they catalyze molecules, disintegrate them to be able to release energy to the environment that surrounds them and that is how they release or yield to the environment.