The Wernicke’s area of the brain is responsible for comprehension of language. Wernicke’s aphasia is characterized by problem comprehending spoken language or sentences. In this case, Kichi may respond with grammatically correct sentences but may pepper it with lot of words (sometimes non-existent words) that does not make sense. Kichi may not realize that they are using the wrong words. Because of problems comprehending language, Kichi may face difficulties in reading and writing. Intellectual and cognitive abilities still remain intact.
DNA is used for replication in cells, the replication is called Semi conservative. Tis is when two strand of DNA are used as a code for a new DNA molecule.
During this period, the uterus shrinks back to its original state in a process called <u>invulotion</u><u>.</u>
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Answer: Las orugas, larvas de mariposas y polillas, se alimentan casi exclusivamente de plantas. La mayoría de las orugas mastican felizmente las hojas, aunque algunas se alimentan de otras partes de la planta, como semillas o flores, mientras que durante la etapa de adulto, la mariposa se alimenta de néctar y pasa de ser un herbívoro a ser un importante polinizador.