Reya Gonzales has offered to help out her best friend Manuela by watching her three children several afternoons each week. Manue
la has had difficulty finding child care because her new job requires her to work on different days each week. Although she assured Reya this arrangement would only last a short time, two months have already passed. In the meantime, three of Manuela’s coworkers have also asked Reya to watch their children on a regular basis. As a result, Reya now has seven children ranging in age from 15 months to 7 years who are in her care four days a week. Their parents are grateful and pleased with Reya’s nurturing care. However, she fears the neighbors will report her to the local licensing agency or that the licensing authorities will soon discover her activities. Reya enjoys working with the children and has considered opening a child care business in her home. However, she is reluctant to contact the licensing agency because she has no formal training in early childhood and is unsure that her house and yard will pass the safety inspection. Reya also knows that her friends depend upon her for chid care and could lose their jobs if they are unable to locate an affordable program with openings. 1). What advice would you offer to Reya regarding her options?
2). What steps could Reya take to improve her success in becoming licensed?
3). Do you think family child care programs should be licensed or registered? Explain your position.
4). If Reya is unable to meet all of the state licensing standards during the initial inspection,?should her child care activities be stopped? Why or why not?