is this a question or not?
Case Structure is a mechanism that allows different executions when there are several distinct possible values for a single variable, and each value requires a different subsequent action depending on the value of the label.
Case structure is also a conditional control structure that appears in most modern programming languages and allows a selection to be made between several sets of program statements.
The option to delete your account can be found in your Profile Settings under Privacy. Click on the box labeled I want to delete my account, and the request will be sent for the account to be deleted.
Following are the code to this question:
please find the attached file.
In this code, four class "novels, magazines, technical journals, and textbooks", is defined, in which it holds their respective default constructor and the get and set method to hold the string and integer value, and in the book class the main method is defined, that creates its object and a switch to for search value and print its value.