There are several different factors that control the primary productivity of energy and biomass flow. Energy flow is the amount of energy that moves through a food chain. The energy input, or energy that enters the ecosystem, is measured in Joules or calories. Accordingly, the energy flow is also called calorific flow.
Producers (plants) / Consumers
Static Electricity - the word static means 'at rest' - this kind of electricity exists when objects separated by an insulator has a build up of opposite charges. Because the attraction between these charges is so strong, they can flow even through great insulators. Ex: lightning, friction
Current Electricity - it makes electronic devices possible. There is a constant flow of charges in this type of electricity. In contrast to static electricity, current electricity is changing, dynamic and always on the move. Ex: starting a car, watching TV, using an electric stove.
Fish and bird are biotic and the bird would hurt the fish depending on the species of birds since some birds are carnivores.