Just to let you know, this is not a S.S (Social Studies) question. But, instead of just giving the answer.. I'm going to explain. What are the five senses? Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Touch.
Now let's start with forming an answer:
As she comes close to the babies face, the baby becomes more physically and facially active. The sense that the peppermint activated was Smell. Why? When the candy got closer to the babies face, she smelt it. Because of the strong smell a peppermint has, the baby reacted.
High-quality leader
A leader is a person who is responsible for the growth of an organization. He is the only person who knows the way it goes, and it shows the ways.
There are some qualities in a leader :
- Integrity and honesty should be there
- Capable of decision making
- Delegation and Empowerment
- Innovation and creativity
The offspring from mating of individuals in a close group can cause inbreeding. The genetic disorders present in both mates will pass along the offspring without the possibility of correction, causing genetic abnormality.
The inbreeding can occur naturally in a way to guarantee the propagation of the offspring. The result of this mating is the increasing of homozygous, which can result in lack of variancy. By the other hand, it can enhance a similar characteristic as well as a genetic problem.
For example, in a crop of clones organisms a disease which has affected one crop can spread more easily through the community of clones than non-clones crops of the same specie.