The primary function of the family is to ensure the continuation of society, both biologically through procreation, and socially through socialization. Given these functions, the nature of one's role in the family changes over time.
Evolutionary approach.
An evolutionary approach is a pattern or system of using evolutionary ideas in studying and learning about an individual's cultural beliefs and behavior, habits etc. This approach is used by anthropologists to try and explain how humans evolve through the ages.
In taking the "primitive" societies as the early stage in the development of religions, anthropologists are using the evolutionary approach. In this way, they are turning to the evolution process/ system to determine and learn about religious development.
stress and psychological harm, deception, invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality are most common violation of ethical principles.
The principles of ethical violence can be reduced by the removing the fear factor that results to the breach in privacy pf the persons.
hydrogen:A colorless element commonly found in gas form; it burnsasily, and its mass is less than all other elements.
atom:The small particle that makes up molecules;
molecule:Smallest part of substances that are made up of two or more