The specific met-hods used by interest groups in or-der to influence govern-ment decision are - Lobbying techniques .
Lobbying is when a per-son, call-ed a lobbyist, attem-pts to directly influence legis-lation by inter-acting with govern-ment officials. Lobbying is larg-ely done by professi-onals working for consult-ing firms or holding defin-ed positions within inte-rest groups.
When inte-rest groups use third parties to influe-nce government offici-als, it is referred to as an indirect tech-nique.
When an inte-rest group's activity inv-olves direct interaction with govern-ment officials to furt-her the group's goals, it is refer-red to as a direct tech-nique.
-Rating govern-ment officials
-Build-ing alliances
-Offering campaign assist-ance
To know more about interest groups click below:
<span>Romulus and Remus were twin brothers that were found by the river Tiber by a wolf and raised by a shepherd. They decided to built a city in 753 B.C. When Romulus built a wall, Remus decided to jump over it. Romulus killed his brother in a fit of rage.. After that Romulus became the first king of Rome. A city named after him.</span>
The answer is true. explanation: they do this to keep the playing field fair but mainly do it to prevent corruption.
<span>Repatriation is the process of returning a person back to one's place of origin or citizenship. In the 20th century, following all European wars, several repatriation commissions were created to supervise the return of war refugees, displaced persons, and prisoners of war to their country of origin. </span>