Their subsistence was based on hunting, fishing, and the cultivation of corn they moved seasonally between fixed sites to exploit these food resources. The Nipmuc were divided into territorial bands, or groups of related families living in one or more villages; each village was ruled by a sachem, or chief.
Unitary government is a kind of government system in which a single power, which is known. as the central government, controls the whole government. In fact, all powers and. administrative divisions authorities lies at the central place. Today most of the government.
Answer: a. What motivates people.
According to the doctrine of Psychologism Egoism, people are always motivated to act following their own interests, meaning that all human motivation is egoistic. This theory, therefore, is about what motivates people´s actions. Is not about what is good and right, as the motivation is considered ultimately egoistic. The theory establishes no relation between motivations and religion, nor normative ethics, or specific rules as deontology would suggest.
B. To help repay the British debts accrued during the French and Indian war.
Answer:Christianity was brought to Latin America by the Spanish an Portuguese conquerors.