This question relies on incorrect assumptions.
White people are probably the least racist of all the races. Not the most. When whites colonized Africa in the 19th and early 20th centuries, they didn't slaughter every black person they could find. If they had been racists, that's exactly what they would have done. But instead, white people built two nations - Rhodesia and South Africa. Blacks came into those nations as migrants. And they did what migrants usually do: demand, complain, whing, and so on.
In Rhodesia, the blacks took the country over, first by trickery and then by armed force. The whites and the blacks there had been fighting a civil war. The United Nations came in and said that both sides had to turn in all their guns. The whites did. But the blacks, under Robert Mugabe, cheated - they turned in only a few guns, the guns that needed repairs, and they kept the rest hidden until the UN troops left. Then the blacks recovered their guns and defeated the whites, taking over the country and renaming it Zimbabwe.
In South Africa, the whites were guilt-tripped with Marxist propaganda, which portrayed blacks as being the victims of white racism. Feeling very ashamed of themselves, the white South Africans voted to allow blacks to vote. And that is what made them lose the country that they had built. The blacks took over and elected communist leaders. The whites began to be persecuted by gangs of murderers, and the SA government didn't care.
In San Dominigue, around 1802, leftist propagandists incited the blacks to revolt, and during the revolt they murdered every white man, woman, and child. They took possession of the country and renamed it Haiti. Before long, the colony that had been the richest and agriculturally most fertile in the Western Hemisphere took a dive into poverty. What had been French law and order gave way to African chaos and oscillating anarcho-despotism.
In the United States, today, we see history being repeated. We have the guilt-tripping leftist/Marxist propaganda. We see white people trying to apologize for everything, when they should apologize for nothing. The virtuous regard virtue as shameful. Evil roars, and good trembles. Whites are giving ground and the right-of-way to blacks in every sense that you can think of, and they get no thanks at all. The reward that whites get for grovelling is a kick in the face. Blacks have every official favor, every advantage that government can possibly give them — <em>and it still isn't enough!</em>