Antheridia- is reproductive that produces MALE gametes. AND
Archegonia- is reproductive that produces LADIES gametes
The Ray- Finned Fish has a bony skeleton just like crocodiles. Crocodiles evolved more and adapted to their environment. Along the way Crocodiles grew to have four limbs, were born from an amniotic egg, and then their eggs also have shells, unlike the Ray-finned fish. Therefore the three characteristics they do NOT have in common are: Four Limbs, Amniotic Egg, and Eggs with Shells. The one trait they do have in common is Bony Skeletons. They also both have vertebrae.
, for the northern hemisphere, summer is the warmest time of year. It's not because the planet is that much closer to the Sun, it's because the top part of the Earth is facing the Sun for a amount of time.
The Sun is directly over the Equator during the autumnal equinox, and heating the northern and southern hemispheres equally. As the northern hemisphere is moving towards shorter days and the cold winter, the southern hemisphere is watching the snows melt and the flowers bloom during their spring.
Summer is the season where the Earth is tilted way from the Sun and the South Pole is getting all of the light
Spring is a bit of a mirror image to our position in autumn. The Sun is directly over the Equator during the equinox and the northern and southern hemispheres
I think it’s listed in largest to smallest order as is.
The area of study is called political science