First, you convert 5% to decimal. For your info, percents are always equal to 100. So, you divide 5 by a 100, which gives you 0.05. Then, you multiply 2.95 by 0.05. 2.95 x 0.05 is 0.1475 which is about 0.15. Then, you add 0.15 to 2.95. The total cost of a $2.95 notebook plus 5% is about $3.10.
Step-by-step explanation:
do what's inside parentheses first
-3/8 - 2/8 = -5/8
-5/8(-5/8) = 25/64
(x+6)^2 =0
Step-by-step explanation:
x^2+ 12x + 36 = 0
Subtract 36 from each side
x^2+ 12x + 36-36 = 0-36
x^2 +12x = -36
Take the coefficient of x
Divide by 2
12/2 =6
Square it
6^2 =36
Add this to each side
x^2+ 12x + 36 = -36+36
(x+12/2)^2 = 0
(x+6)^2 =0
1. $8.30
Step-by-step explanation:
so 3 hats were purchased and each cost 15.50 so
and the rest of the 96.30 is 6 keychains so
and there is 6 keychains
Each key chain was $8.30
Claire's answer is unreasonable because when we got the price of the keychains all together in Claire's mind the total for the keychains would be $4.98, which we clearly got the total for the keychains at $49.80.