The Earth comprises many spheres of subsystems, which associate with each other to develop a composite and spontaneously changing system of the Earth. The processes taking place in the system of the Earth occurs on spatial scales changing from fractions of millimeters to thousands of kilometers, and on time scales, which varies from milliseconds to billions of years.
The examples of instantaneous scales are a rotation of the Earth, breathing, an earthquake.
The examples of long-term scales are making coal and plate tectonics.
The system of the Earth is featured by various overlapping cycles in which matter is recycled again and again. The cycles involve interactions between multiple spheres and systems. The examples of cycles are rock cycle, day and night, and seasons.
Volcanoes discharge a huge concentration of particulate matter into the atmosphere. These particles function as nuclei for the development of droplets of water (hydrosphere). The rainfall, that is, hydrosphere usually upsurges after an eruption, initiating growth of the plant (biosphere). Thus, volcanoes and volcanic activities are a good illustration of system interactions.
Eurythermic: (of an organism) able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures.
Stenothermic: <span>A </span>stenothermic<span> is a species or living organism only capable of living or surviving within a narrow temperature range.
</span> Euryhaline<span>: (of an aquatic organism) able to tolerate a wide range of salinity.
</span>Stenohaline: <span>(of an aquatic organism) able to tolerate only a narrow range of salinity.
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Shelter and settlement forms in hot humid, hot dry and cold climatic zones have been described. Performance efficiency of passive climate control systems of vernacular buildings have been analysed and their relevance to contemporary design and planning of housing and new towns in selected regions are examined. A comment is also made on the role of climate in the interaction between settlements and their hinterland.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. While some Christans accept these as a definitive list of specific attributes, others understand them merely as examples of the Holy Spirit's work through the faithful.