The Church did not know any other way then following the Bible, causing an unwanted and unfamiliar change to their environment
Answer: The Holocaust
Explanation: People say the main reason WW 2 started is because of the Holocaust. There was a large group of men named "The Nazis" and they tried to get rid of all the Jews and people with disabilities they all thought the perfect race is Blonde hair and Blue eyes. The leader of the Nazis you probably heard of him... Adolf Hitler he murdered himself April 30, 1945
hese cities are considered "global cities" because of their influence in world culture. The cities are well-known all over the world through movies, TV, books, and other types of media. Moreover, trends that originate here usually play an important role all over the world. Global cities tend to be highly populated as well as highly touristic.
A personal budget is the expenses incurred in your everyday life. Gas in your car, Insurance, Electricity, Water you get the picture. You should be counting every dollar that goes toward paying for necessities first to determine your annual expenses.
It’s useful so that you do not spend more than you earn. Which is the fastest way to going into debt. Debt is where you owe more than you have to pay with. That only leads to more debt whereby people then borrow money to pay others. It’s a vicious circle and one you should steer away from. Just ask yourself this before you buy something. Do I need it or is this something I want? If it’s a need then buy it as it should be in your budget. If it’s a want don’t tell yourself “I can’t afford it” as yourself “how can I afford it”?
Hope this helps and all the best