5 feet
Step-by-step explanation:
i know it is, i'm a straight A student in math :D
i just don't know how to explain-
D: 11
Step-by-step explanation:
When I evaluated the expression, I got 11.
Hope it helps! :D
Um, so it's a bit awkward with this question because they actually got the x value incorrect. When they added up all the values, they got 9x - 27 = 180, but it's actually 9x + 27 = 180 because -18 + 45 is positive 27. Anyways, when you solve it correctly you get x = 17, and then you substitute it into the angles. So with 5x - 18, you are saying 5(× 17) - 18 = 67. Then with the other one you do 4(× 17) + 45 = 113. You know that x is definitely 17 because 113 + 67 = 180.
y = 6/7x + 68/7
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer by CubeyThePenguin(3113) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
x = 5y
xy = 320
Substitute the first equation into the second equation
(5y)(y) = 320
5y^2 = 320
y^2 = 64
y = 8 (y must be positive)
The integers are (x, y) = (40, 8).