Stick to concrete nouns
The best technique to improve the web search result is that search with the help of keywords. These keywords help in searching the required results from search engines.
The keywords are actually nouns. Noun is name of object, place or person. So by using nouns we can search out required results.
For example
If we want to search about some persons bibliography, we use his name in our search. His name is an example of noun.
A spreadsheet program is a computerized version of paper accounting.
A spreadsheet program is a computerized version of a paper accounting worksheet where everyone can easily use the sheet according to their need. For example, a spreadsheet can be used as a data entry sheet, as arithmetic operations. Data entry in paper accounting was done manually with paper whereas spreadsheet has cells in it to record the entries. Similarly, other operations such as recording the data, performing analytical operations were part of old system and these are now used in spreadsheet as a basic function. In short, the spreadsheet is a very friendly application where values can be analyzed, stored, and modified as per requirements. These all defined tasks are part of paper based accounting now done using computer program.
The first one and last one
A barcode's bars have
1. different thicknesses, so they each signify 1 or 2 nibbles.
2. the combinations of the thicknesses of those bars exceed the trillions. That's why manufacturers and stores never run out of SKU barcodes.