D. poor whites and former slaves.
Virginia Plan--3. Called for bicameral legislature; 5. Called for proportional representation; 6. Was supported by larger states
New Jersey Plan--1. Called for equal representation; 2. Was supported by smaller states; 4. Called for a unicameral legislature
The Virginia and New Jersey Plans were proposals of how to handle the issue of a federal legislature and how representation would be determined for the legislature. The Virginia Plan called for two houses: an upper and lower and representation based on population. This plan would best serve the states with larger populations because they would have more say in the government. However, this plan would shut out the voices of smaller states. The New Jersey Plan suggested a one house legislature with each state having equal representation. Essentially they wanted to keep the same system created under the Articles of Confederation. This would give all states a say but not all voices would be counted. Ultimately, the Connecticut Compromise or Great Compromise settled the issue by creating a bi-cameral or two house legislature with one house having equal representation and the other house having representation based on population.
Reliable sources
- Recent statistics and information
- Author and source listed
- .gov or .eud sites
UNreliable sources
- 20 year old statistics
- No author or sources listed
- .com or .net
Answer: segregation means being separated
Answer:captured and burned washington dc