A monhybrid cross is the inheritance of a single character and dihybrid cross is the inheritance of two difference character.
There are a variety of eubacteria living as decomposers, heterotrophs, pathogens, and autotrophs.
c. autotrophs and animals are heterotrophs
There's many differences between the plants and the animals, be it their physical appearance, way of live, how do they function, their requirements for survival. One of the major differences between the plants and the animals is that the plants are autrotrophs, while the animals are heterotrophs. The autrophs are the organisms that are able to produce their own food, thus they are producers, meaning that they do not need nutrition from other organic sources. The heterotrophs on the other side are the organisms that are not able to produce food for themselves, but instead they get their food through consuming of other living organisms, making them primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers.